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Hey!! My name is Callie Jordan, I’m from Beaumont, Texas!

My whole life I have been surrounded by Christians and have served at church. I have a very loving friends and family! I have always believed in God because it felt like the right thing to do, because everyone else did. It wasn’t until 2017 I realized there was more to what being a child of God looks like.  

I’m rewriting this post while sitting on a porch in Panama. Im going into month 6 and I would say I am different person because of how much Jesus has been working in me. I rely on the Lord completely. I can do literally NOTHING without Him. My identity is in Christ!

So about me…

I am loved by God, and because of that I love others deeply. -1 John 4:19

I am clean. The blood of Jesus is so strong, it covers everything and anything sinful I have ever done. THANK YOU JESUS FOR REAL -Ephesians 1:7 

I am beautiful. I have been fearfully and wonderfully created! I am, we all are, His artwork! Because of that, I admire the attributes of everyone and am always in awe of those around me. -Psalm 139:14 

I am saved. He died for me, so I could live in freedom… let that sink in. Because of what He has done for us and a very imperfect human like me, I am someone who takes gratitude and thankfulness seriously! -John 3:16 

All glory to God. I am who He says I am

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